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Experience Stories of Triumph: Our Community's Journey to Recovery

Ground Zero- Curtis Potter

The Service Committee

Grace Outreach May, 2024

Grace Outreach June, 2024

Grace Outreach October, 2024

I’m Debra, Mother of Two

I was in a severe depressive state before I received help from Mastermind Recovery and out of work for over a year. With their help, my depression has not been as bad. My mental health has been a lot better than what it was and moving to San Antonio and getting help from Mastermind was the best decision for us!

Jose Garcia

San Antonio, Texas

The kind of services that Mastermind offers is unique. In a previous program I was in, if you did not participate in the spiritual services you were excluded from the program. I like that Mastermind is not just a faith-based program, but a program that is made to fit everyone’s needs. I like that Mastermind is faith-based by choice. You are given the opportunity to take advantage of the spiritual side, or you can do the psychiatric side. Other programs are either all spiritual or all psychiatric because most facilities are not set up to offer psychiatric services by medical doctors as well as spiritual services. This has been my longest period of sobriety, and it has been 10 months and 12 days as of December 1, 2023! I have tried to get sober 2 times previously and this time is just different. The biggest hurdle Mastermind has helped me overcome when it comes to my sobriety was the spiritual aspect. I always assumed that it was go to church, leave and then that was how you got close to God, but I have learned that I needed a lifestyle change. They are not here to change your views about anything, but I was able to choose God and it has always been forced on me in the past. Mastermind is an opportunity for seeing things through an advanced point of view; It may be the renewing of your mind, spirit and psychiatric care. I have seen things here that I didn’t know existed all at one place, in the form of advanced medical treatment, sober living and having the availability to offer it to anybody who wants it!

Lisa Holland

San Antonio, Texas

Mastermind has been a lifesaver for me and kept me going. I heard about Mastermind while I was living in my sober home. My constant drug was alcohol, when my ex-husband passed, I met someone online and started using methamphetamines daily. I sold all my belongings and moved to San Antonio. When we moved here, I stayed in a hotel for about a month and then after that found myself on the streets for several days. I called the crisis center for my mental health issues and was transferred to a behavioral health center. After the center, I moved to a sober living facility which I have now been at for 18 months. This is my first time getting off the drugs and I have not used in 18 months! The mental aspect was where I got the most help from Mastermind. I am diagnosed bipolar and I have been seeing a psychiatrist for medication management for 6 months now. The good thing is that the psychiatric treatment offered by mastermind recovery is free. My favorite scripture is Luke 6:37. It says how we shouldn’t judge others and we will not be judged. Also, to forgive others so we can be forgiven. You just don’t judge and that’s what I have done my whole life, judged someone and turned around and did the same thing in my own life. Overall, Mastermind Recovery has helped me focus on my recovery and I am happy to say that after over a year of my son and I not speaking we have now been reunited.

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San Antonio,Texas

2411 NE Loop 410, Suite 114, San Antonio, Texas 78217- 6644

Phone: 210-699-(4357)

Email: outreach@mastermindrecovery.org

Dallas, Texas

1750 N Collins Blvd, Ste 116, Richardson, TX 75080

Phone: 972-464-7647

Email: contact.dallas@mastermindrecovery.org